![]() One of the simplest slipcovers to make is the duvet slipcover. And since the whole purpose of the duvet is to uncomplicate the chore of bedmaking, when it comes to the cover, the simpler the better. Really this allows the duvet slipcover to be laundered as often as the sheets and pillow cases, and preserves the duvet insert , thus minimizing the cleaning of it. Shown here in a reversible solid white linen on one side, and a neutral graphic on the other, all inside seams are edge finished to prevent raveling when laundered. Strings are stitched to the inside corners to hold the duvet in place. Rings have been sewn into the corners so the duvet cover may be easily secured. Along with the tootsie neckroll featured in last week's post, I'll be offering simple washable linen duvet covers in my line of products to be launched in 2013!
![]() Here is a photo from one of my favorite family fall vacations to Disney World. The year was 2000 and I am wearing one of my favorite outfits. White linen of course. 100% Irish linen to be exact. I can't remember how many times I have worn this or how many times it has gone around in the washing machine. A whole bunch. I never get tired of this outfit, and cool comfort never goes out of style. So no I will not be ditching the white just because Labor Day has come and gone once again. As a matter of fact, I am inspired to create a line of white linen slipcovers. I can imagine the infinite possibilites of white. Because white slipcovers never go out of style. Of course, I will need to throw in a few color options for zest. Off to the drawing board! ![]() Now is the time of year I am frequently asked “Can you make washable slipcovers?” Well the answer is “Of course I can!” However, fabric choice should be your first design consideration, and your cleaning style should influence your fabric choice. Most decorator fabrics are labeled “dry clean only”, and if that is your cleaning style then you are good to go. If the fiber content is cotton or a cotton/linen blend, then chances are the fabric will machine wash and wear beautifully. Truthfully, the only way to know is to do a wash test, as machine washing can alter the hand of the fabric as well as change the color. Certainly you will want to prewash fabric in order to preshrink the fabric if your goal is to be able to machine wash your slipcover. So the next question I get is "So if I machine wash my cover, what kind of cleaner do I use?" I use FOREVER NEW fabric care wash both in the prewashing of fabric as well as cleaning my own slipcovers. The granular formula is biodegradeable and is made from a natural base of multiple sodas and citrus. I have been using this product for about 5 years now and currently stock the line of cleaners and stain removers. I discovered this product at the Bra Patch, here in Raleigh NC. And in case you did not know, the Bra Patch is an East Coast destination for custom fit bras. www.thebrapatch.com . I purchased my first bottle of FOREVER NEW at the Bra Patch and use in handwashing all my delicate undergarments. And for washing slipcovers. There are some wonderful cottons and linens available in a wide price range, many of which are made from organic fibers as well as domestically grown fibers. It is best to consult with your slipcover artisan before purchasing fabric, especially if you plan to machine wash your slipcovers. |
January 2024